You Left
I finally got the courage to publish my first spoken words poetry.
The words and voice belong to me, but the music does not.
I wrote this hoping that I could connect with people who have felt heartbroken and scared; your loss is temporary. Trust me.
I want to thank my friends and family for the right push.
I hope you enjoy it.
You Left.
You left, you left, picked your last sweatshirt on a Thursday night when it rained the loudest. You left, walking away from this home, taking the last bits of hope from this space.
You left, snatched your heart from these hands that held them safely, yanking, pulling them off, breaking the threads, the special ropes that’s connecting to my heart. Ouch! So you see, I’m bleeding, pleading, saying darling don’t. Darling. Don’t. Don’t leave. Don’t leave tonight, don’t leave today. Snarling
You left, you left, as your words pricked my heart like careless needles would do. Just poke, poke, poke till we can drain this feeling. You left, finding your way to a spot I couldn’t reach, placing your heart in her care, her. You left, left me drowning in my tears as my knees scrapped the floor, you left. I’m cracked
You left, present-day scene, it’s me typing with torn pages from the notebook I got for Christmas, five pages left, but I won’t post it. I won’t post. Post-it? No. I won’t post these words I scrambled with ink and tears, so my pen bled reddish-blue on carton white. Wow, but you stay gone, so it’s okay, not okay. Okay, but I’m grown, so I wear the pain like a badge, some goldfish broch on my favorite red dress, that’s a topic I won’t address. For mental health, I’ll just undress. Let’s digress.
You left, two weeks after the hike. And the love we planned to make. Yikes! You left. So right now, my heart’s broken. I’ve Spoken. Spoken words so you’ll see, you’ll see how I miss you. Bless you, for this moment, this moment I’m chanting, panting words like I was made, paid, baked for this.
You left. I’m not okay tho. I still miss you, kiss you in my dreams. For the day you ever come back, wear black. I’ll show up as a snack. No crack, just knacks.
with love,
Precious Chidera.