Breakfast was served HOT! #2
Breakfast was served hot #2; guest entry by anonymous.
Everybody wants love, the type you can tell ten years from the start and know you’ll get responses like “you’re so lucky, or it’s a match made in heaven.” The truth is we all want that; we want to date for nine years and get married for a lifetime so our throwback pictures or videos could have headlines. We could be the real couple goal, you know, like the true definition of ride or die – that sought of romantic update, but as they say, this breakfast has gone round, must go round, and gets more garnished each time. Let’s thank George for the meal this time.
Let’s call this chef George. I met George on a good day when a friend invited me to their birthday party. George was the quiet one in the crowd, reserved and charming with the sweetest smile. We exchanged numbers, talked a lot, and two months later I asked the famous ‘what ere we’ question and he said ‘you’re mine now.’ this is the moment you hiss with me. See, that time, there was nothing wrong you would have told me about George that I’d believe because that man right there was my knight in shining armor, the yin to my yang and all that nonsense.
Three months into the relationship, my birthday was coming up. George asked what I wanted as a gift, and I said anything. He told me of this plan to take me on a spa treatment, get my hair and nails done and fly us both to a surprise getaway location. He swept me off my feet; I thought, wow, this is the height of thoughtfulness and romance, and I’m living my best life. Nobody can blame me cause we’ve all fallen in love and did stupid things we’re not proud of, and this is mine. I didn’t doubt George or believe he was up to something, not for one second.
I’m the baby of the house, so my elder brother got me a new phone and a MacBook, and my sisters got sneakers and some bags and shoes; this was a norm for them every year. They always went all out to make me feel special. Blessed George came to visit me the day before my birthday, I showed him everything, and he was happy. He took pictures of the gifts, and he told me what he had planned would be the best show of affection I ever received.
People, George woke up by 7 am the next day, on my birthday, and said he had an urgent meeting he needed to attend. He said his phone was refusing to power on, and he would lose millions on this deal. Being the good girlfriend, I told George to put his sim card in the new phone. George said, and I quote, “thank you, babe; the first thing I’ll do is buy another one after my meeting,” and I was okay with that, I didn’t suspect a thing cause he was a big boy, excellent swag, smells good and talks expensive so what are the odds he’ll steal an ordinary iPhone correct?
So George left with my phone, at around 10 am I called him, and he said he was busy and that an investor was making his life miserable, please bear in mind that this was a Sunday and in the five months I had known him, he had never worked on a Sunday, but of course I kept calm. I asked if he would round off to start the excellent birthday plans. Darling George gave me the spa’s address, told me to go and get everything done, and said he’d meet me there. I was so excited; I went there got premium services done, looking like a million-dollar baby.
Now it was time to pay, and George’s phone was not going through; I was so embarrassed to the bone. The eye-rolling and killer stare from the receptionist reminded me of the hardship my ancestors might have experienced. Guys, I had to call my sister to transfer money and bail me out from the shame. I got home, and George’s number wasn’t going through. It was the worst birthday; when I was trying to catch some sleep, my friend sent me a message hailing me of having the best partner in the world. I was so confused, I asked her what she was talking about, and this girl sent me a screenshot of George’s post on Instagram with a hashtag that reads “allformylove.”
I must have died and woken up cause it dawned on me that he had blocked me everywhere and posted the phone and one of the sneakers my sister gave me as a gift to, I guess, the actual owner of his heart. I just laid there wondering who I had offended in this life. I mean, how could someone do that to me? I didn’t deserve it; I wasn’t expecting it. It’s bad enough that they almost got me mopping the floor to pay for the services George deceived me about, and now he had stolen from me and presented it to his real love. All on my birthday.
It was so painful. I cried my heart out, called in sick for the next two days, and when my friend got so worried about me, she told my brother, and of course, the police got involved and arrested him. The girl he had gifted those things to called and pleaded with me to let him go cause he had told her I was the angry ex who wouldn’t move on. See, I just laughed and told her she’d be fine. George, George, George, how many times did I call you? Don’t answer but know you have a special seat where the fire never goes out.
He lied about everything, including his job, where he lived, family, the list is endless. I got everything back minus the money he borrowed now and then during the relationship. I hope he has repented. It was the last time I saw or heard from him. May we never meet the kind of George that’ll show us the literal meaning of tinder swindler.
Breakfast was served Hot!
Have a story? send to info@preciouschidera.com
Rita Bran
Hmmmm, George, George, may we never know this kind of wicked George.
Rita BranAmen! 😄
Tijesuni Daini
Omo ! Bruh !
Tijesuni DainiThat’s exactly how I reacted 😢
Martha Oghayei
Oh George! I think he should be called dumb not smart! It’s so pathetic how people think they can steal from you in pretense of love and affection, that’s sad *smh*
Martha OghayeiI think in recent times the thing we call love or affection could be one person simple ‘using’ the other person and that’s just sad. He’s definitely dumb.