Last Night I Dreamt of You
Last night I dreamt of you, not the usual fairy good tale that strolls into reality, bringing a smile with it or the warm feeling that describes a good dream. It was some grey-colored visions that woke me up by 4.
Last night I dreamt of you, not the fancy type I had two weeks after we met nor the one that made me call four friends in the morning seeking meanings as I blushed east to west. It was some bitter ending that left sweat streaks even on a cold night.
Last night I dreamt of you, gracing the walls of my mind like you’ve done two seasons in a row. Not the happy endings where you still laugh and say sweet nothings nor the few times you manage to whisper good lines. It was a painful realization, some type that’d make you wish sleep didn’t happen.
Last night I dreamt of you, not the same as three nights ago where you held my hands and led me home or declared some undying love in your language. No, it was you doing the unthinkable, the memory that would leave me blue sick for two mornings.
Last night I dreamt of you, not the pictures I’d choose for my soul nor the memories I’d like to remember. It wasn’t the type that bends your lips, forming July smiles. No, it was you; you said it in clear words I can’t forget, in a language I recall. It was you saying the three words that were in drought for us to another.
Last night I dreamt of you, not the way I usually do. It wasn’t the type where I remain the star of this quiet show. No, it was you choosing to dwell under another’s sky, denying me of the power even in my dreams and gracing this sleeping mind with the audacity that came with your rich laugh.
Last night I dreamt of you; it’s not the dark hour where I write on black pages nor the nights the moon sends lettered stars. No, It’s the fleeting moment; I remember you in the flesh. Your presence was seeping through the cracks of my eyes, reminding me of what’s lost in the past.
This is short but very relatable. At one point in time, we all have such dreams where we wake up sweating and panting while gasping for air.
Shallystoned😅 More like nightmares
You know, if a wish granting genie was to ask me if I’d want every dream I’ve had ,and will have, to come true, I’d be tempted to scream YESS! But, when I pause to think of the blood curdling nightmares I’ve had, I shudder at the prospect of them happening in real life…. Well, unless Mr. genie would add like a menu, where I get to select the particular dreams I want 😋
But dreaming of things that actually did happen is a different story….
Breaking up with someone you love can cause so much pain that your mind can’t quite process it fully while you’re awake and jostling a host of other life’s responsibilities, so it waits for you to fall asleep. The pain becomes the paint, your mind the canvass and your memories the artist who paints in cruel graphic details all the pains you’d rather not remember. Typically it gives snippets of happier times, then hit you with the punchline where the rug was yanked from off your feet. Then you jerk awake, but there’s no “thank God it was just a dream”. It did happen.
Oh, Presh… I can relate .😌… Another poignant piece. Weldone!
PeterOne Thursday, it’ll be you sharing a poetry😀 but you’re right, they said it’s the things we think about or secretly worry of that our subconscious brings to life when we sleep.
Thank you for enjoying this poignant piece 😉