Guilty without a trial - Be okay with the good and bad opinions of others. You were having an excellent day just before you learned that si[...]
Guilty without a trial - Be okay with the good and bad opinions of others. You were having an excellent day just before you learned that si[...]
Today, I’m bearing one episode of my lowest lows. This one is a story of a rock bottom survivor. This one isn’t an attempt to gain sympa[...]
It’s precisely 1:11 am, and I’ve just seen five posts about women who have suffered abuse and battered beyond recognition by their partn[...]
The Cross of the strong independent woman! Now, before you dive into the following letters and well thought after paragraphs, please know[...]
Who decides what hurts? It's a Thursday, and on this particular one, I'm still in bed by 7.00 am, still wrapped under my duvet except my fin[...]
Dealing With Disappointment. We have all felt that crushing blow to our midsection that knocked the wind out of us. The moment when you get[...]
The heartbreak phase. The weather is in minus, so I think it's a good time to let out steam, and what better way than dropping this hot tea[...]
Triggers. Just like when he says, "I love you, no one else but you." but my brain could go on to interpret this line into tiny bits of every[...]
You couldn't handle yourself, so you're somewhere in between their 5th photo on Instagram, and you're miserable, and they're happy. They're[...]
This thing that's called jealousy; this thing that's called jealousy that attacks the mighty. This thing that's capable of killing every oun[...]